Design Director

Six Degrees Records (Website Redesign)

When I started working at Six Degrees in 2016, the company had a website that had not caught up to the times, it was still desktop-only and did not scale. I spearheaded the initiative to redesign their entire site (with over 20 years of history in it and over 500 pages). It was a worthwhile effort that span many months, with help from a wordpress developer, other designers and interns we got it done. From concept to completion. Their site is now fully responsive across devices and daily traffic increased by 300%.
See it live here:

Role: Art Director | Client: Six Degrees Records

Six Degrees Records Homepage

Six Degrees Records Homepage

Mockups (left) and Live Site (right). At a glance the homepage provides all the latest content, news and relevant material. Here you can see some of the initial wireframes and how the site actually turned out.

Six Degrees Template Pages

Six Degrees Template Pages

I designed a total of 8 template pages:

- Home Page
- Album Page
- Artist Page
- Category Pages
- Playlist page
- Contact page
- About page
- Tour Dates

The entire redesign and moving the site to the new domain effort took over 7 months, several developers, designers and a number of interns. We had to remake over 500 pages and move them to the new designs. Images were optimized for the previous website (which was the site the company used since 1999). Images were resized and on occasion needed tablet and mobile versions for all view port sizes.