This project aimed to resolve a growing problem with our existing quarterly promotion template pages. Given the growing number of products included in each offer, the old design created a visual imbalance on the page, making it harder for the user to figure out what the benefit of the promo was. I spearheaded the redesign of these pages. It took many iterations and lots of conversations with different contributors from the creative team, as well as consulting user data collected over time by an outside agency. This effort increased sales and conversion rates by 300%.
This was my fist proposal
• Giving center stage to the savings, which is ultimately the most important part of the promotion.
• Reducing the size of the product thumbnails, embedding them in a carousel.
• Listing the names of the plug-ins showing clearly what is included in the promo at first sight.
Here’s a high fidelity version of this option.
Back to the drawing board
The consensus was that this option looked too similar to “plan-compare” type of landing pages, such as this Dropbox example, therefore the savings actually looked at first glance as if they were the price a user would pay for choosing that option.
After consulting with a data analyst
He recommended going back to a very similar option as the one we originally had, but with the icons smaller. This was discarded as well, as it did not resolve the primary issue of visual imbalance on the page. However through this iteration we discovered that sound examples, youtube videos and star reviews are all major deciding factors for a user based on past data.
Here is a high-fidelity version of this option.
The final “grid”
Since a lot of the promo options shared options, after a lot of discussion we decided to move forward with this. While this was a compromise over what I originally intended, the main UX problem I set out to find a solution for got resolved. Along the way through research we fixed a number of issues on these pages, resulting in the most successful promotion to date, increasing sales over 300%.